Michael Tigar's tireless striving for justice stretches his arms toward perfection.
- William J. Brennan, Jr.
United State Supreme Court Justice
Colleagues say the lucidity of his arguments and sheer beauty of his words are lawyering at its awesome best.
- Peter Chronis
The Denver Post
Michael Tigar is unique, a gifted advocate and teacher. He has magical ability in his seminars to take you to the trial and put you at the counsel table with him. If you are serious about advocacy, you should rush to attend his presentations.
- Professor James. W. McElhaney
Great presentation! What an outstanding opportunity to listen to a litigation giant! Practical, well-organized and presented.
-Michael A. D'Anton
A seasoned practitioner...great stories of what goes on behind the scenes...a passion for his life's work. Great humor...
- Lee Boyd
An excellent and informative program by a knowledgeable trial lawyer...valuable to all levels of practice.
- John R. Lanza