The Art of Legal
Douglas Lind
Virginia Tech College of Liberal Arts
and Human Sciences
Blacksburg, Virginia
Douglas Lind is an attorney, a professor of Philosophy, and a phenomenal CLE leader.
In addition to his work with The Professional Education Group, Professor Lind is a regular faculty member at the National Judicial College and has contributed to the CLE efforts of bar associations, law firms and government entities across the nation.
Author & Teacher
Douglas Lind is a Professor and Department Head for Philosophy at Virginia Tech. Formally trained in both law and philosophy, Lind’s research interests fall mainly in philosophy of law
and jurisprudence. He has published on the nature of judicial practice, legal reasoning and interpretation, indigenous law, justice theory, and law and literature. Throughout, his work is highly influenced by classical pragmatist philosophy and the later philosophy of Wittgenstein. Currently he is developing a general pragmatist jurisprudence with emphasis on tort law and l
egal fictions. He is the author of Pragmatism, Law, and Language, co-edited with Graham Hubbs (Routledge 2014) and Logic and Legal Reasoning (NJC Press, 2001). Lind has published numerous articles and essays in respected legal journals both in the U.S. and internationally.
Environmental Law Experience
Professor Lind is Founder & Director of the Tribal Law Exchange (2003-date).
As Sole Practitioner in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1990-1991), Douglas worked part-time in private practice concentrating on environmental law. And, as an Associate at Law Firm of Allan Kanner & Associates in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1984-1990) he participated in class action litigation in the areas of environmental law, toxic torts, and American Indian Law. He used federal solid waste, hazardous waste, and water pollution control laws to remediate environmental damages and health threats caused by toxic and radioactive waste discharges with parallel use of state common law remedies. Experience in class action pleading, federal appellate practice, and application of conflicts of law principles.
Prior to joining Virginia Tech, Professor Lind taught at the University of Idaho and he served on the faculties of the University of Pennsylvania, Temple University Law School and Villanova University.
Lind earned his J.D. from Washington University in St. Louis and his Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Pennsylvania.