Lawyer's Guide to Cybersecurity, Privacy & Emerging Technologies
Robert Spangler & Lisa Spiegel
The threat of a cybersecurity attack on both solo/small and large law firms is at an all-time high. ABA Formal Opinion 483 starts with the following observation: “…the data security threat is so high that law enforcement officials regularly divide law firms and business entities into two categories: “those that have been hacked and those that will be.” Given that environment, you must wonder “Am I being responsible and am I safe?” when it comes to cybersecurity and data privacy.
Things You Need To Know and Do To Get Protected Fast
You don’t need to be a technology genius - or even a tech-savvy person - to stay safe. The best protection comes from using some simple, time-proven strategies that you can apply immediately. Join Dr. Robert Spangler and Lisa Spiegel for some straightforward, simple procedures and information that will protect your operations and your clients’ data from most breaches.
Opportunities and Obstacles as Practice Moves into the Metaverse
You may not intend to ride the initial wave of new technologies as they break, but you do need to know what they are and what they mean for your clients and for your practice. Dr. Bob is a bona fide technological wiz and Lisa knows the ins and outs of how the innovations he describes relate directly to the practice of law.
Join us for a captivating look at current best practices and an intriguing gaze into the not-too-distant future. This goes beyond protection and invites you to proactively adopt new initiatives for success!
Program Agenda & Detail
[Part I: 90 Minutes]
Cybersecurity Issues in Remote Working Environments
What is a data breach, and what does it really mean to be “hacked?”
How can you avoid the breaches that were most common in 2021?
Risk mitigation strategies for staying safe, and the best practices for you, your partners, your associates and your support staff for keeping your firm secure.
Software that can help you protect against breaches.
The importance of cybersecurity insurance.
Your breach response plan
Data Privacy
Data Privacy Issues in Remote Working Environments
The latest privacy regulations you may be subject to and need to know about (CCPA, NY Shield, GDPR, etc.)
How to spot data privacy issue
15 Minute Break
[Part II: 90 Minutes]
Data Privacy, Continued
Software that can protect you, and software that can expose you to risk
Key strategies you need to use to understand the risk you may have
Privacy risks in digital communication platforms (Zoom, email, etc.)
Your breach response plan
Emerging Technologies
Smart Contracts
Blockchain in Business, Healthcare, Data Privacy, and more
The Internet of Things/Connected Devices
NFTs, All things Cryptocurrency, and Other Related Tech
The Cloud/Azure/AWS/Google/Meta
Videoconferencing Pros & Cons
Unconditional Guarantee
If you are not convinced that your understanding of the course topic has
improved after completion of any P.E.G.® seminar, we will refund your course tuition.