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From Illegal Hits to Antitrust Law Giving the NCAA Fits.  
Gary Chester

The legal issues raised in the context of athletic events are unique.  Whether you are a civil trial attorney or a transactional attorney, you may face some of these issues even if you don’t specialize in “sports law.”  Attorney and college professor Gary Chester summons his broad experience as a successful trial attorney, professor and sports reporter to provide thoughtful and entertaining insights into the legal issues that attorneys may confront when handling a lawsuit in the sports context or negotiating a sports-related contract.   Attorneys who have a general passion for all things sports will appreciate this detailed overview of the law of sports, as well as Gary’s insights into how recent decisions are reshaping intercollegiate athletics.  This exciting program will provide a basic understanding of several areas of the law as they pertain to sports, highlighted by Gary’s vast knowledge of sports history. 


Program Highlights


•    Torts in sports:  Assault and battery, assumption of risk and other issues
•    Key issues in negotiating sports contracts
•    Title IX and sports – legal and social implications
•    Intellectual property issues in sports
•    Antitrust challenges to the NCAA and professional sports
•    The decline (and possible fall) of the NCAA and other current sports law issues


Program Agenda & Detail

6 Hours


[Part I: 90 Minutes]


Unique tort and contractual issues raised in the sports context 


  • Do players always assume the risk of injuries from extreme conduct in the course of a game?

  •  Do spectators always assume the risk of injury from foul balls or other objects propelled into the stands?

  • The “Morals Clause” and other contract issues specific to players and coaches


15 Minute Break

[Part II: 90 Minutes]



Title IX: The Women’s Revolution in Sports

  • The purpose and effect of Title IX on college sports and on female student-athletes.  Legal interpretation of the federal law.

The Revolution (or Revelation) of Title IX: Applying the Law to Sexual Harassment on Campus 

  • Examining the basis of applying Title IX to sexual harassment, the effect on universities, and the effort to curtail Title IX.



[Part III: 90 Minutes]

Hail to the Redskins! Or is it Red Hawks? Intellectual Property  Law in Sports 

  • A discussion of why St. John’s, Marquette and other college teams had to change their nicknames, but the Redskins kept theirs, plus other current issues such as whether fantasy sports businesses infringe on league copyrights.

How IP Law is Changing College and Pro Sports 

  • An overview of trademark and copyright law and how it applies to high school, college and professional sports.


15 Minute Break

[Part IV: 90 Minutes]

The Student-Athlete Revolution: The Decline (and Possible Fall) of the NCAA  

  • An examination of the proprietary rights of student-athletes

  • An overview of antitrust law  

  • How antitrust decisions are stripping the NCAA of its authority over colleges and athletic conferences




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